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Sunday, 21 February 2010

Posted on 06:43 by Hayy

1 chicken, cut into 8 parts
2 tablespoons lime juice
1 teaspoon salt
75 ml vegetable oil
100 ml of water

Spices, puree:
150 g of red chilli
10 pieces small red chili sauce
8 red onions
4 cloves garlic
1 cm ginger
200 g red tomatoes
½ tsp fried shrimp
1 teaspoon salt

How to make:
1. Marinate chicken pieces with lemon juice and salt until blended.
2. Heat oil and fry spice mixture until cooked and fragrant.
3. Enter the chicken pieces, stir until stiff.
4. Pour water, cook until chicken is tender and juices run out. Lift.
5. Grilled over charcoal fire, turning dry.
6. Lift. Serve with remaining seasonings.

Serves 6

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